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Vimuse - Media Player Wordpress Plugin
Vimuse HTML5 Media Player Wordpress плагин, который позволяет воспроизводить аудио и видео в современном и гладкий интерфейсе. Вы можете выбрать, чтобы воспроизводить свои собственные аудио / видео файлы или видео с Youtube / Vimeo / Dailymotion или даже Shoutcast потоков.
Плагин может пригодится тем, кто работает с YouTube, бизнес-коучам, тренерам, кино-видео сайтам и другим.
- Play video and audio files.
- HTML5 playback with Flash/Silverlight fallback.
- Create your playlist by adding your own files/items or through Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion feeds.
- All files are uploaded through the Wordpress Media Library, which allows you to use pre-existing files from the library.
- Special layout for audio-only mode.
- Pull videos from Youtube user, playlist or search query.
- Pull videos from Vimeo user, album or channel.
- Pull videos from Dailymotion user, group, playlist or channel.
- Show subtitles for videos (only for video files).
- Show postroll content for videos (only for video files).
- Play Shoutcast streams and show track info and cover-art.
- Extract audio info from ID3 tags – cover, track, artist, album.
- Several layout options.
- Mobile, retina and touch screen optimized
- The player features a fluid responsive design to account for various screens sizes ranging from mobile phones to desktop browsers and can also be placed in a container of any width.
- Two colour schemes – Dark and Light.
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Последнее редактирование модератором:
- Статус
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