Скоро [WP] [Повтор] Modern Events Calendar - Event Scheduler & Booking

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0
Великолепное решение для тех, кому нужен эвент календарь с системой бронирования и огромным количеством других полезных опций
(We gathered all features of event calendar as you desire with advanced booking system and many other useful options which are practical in real world!)

Премиальный автор. Почти 300 продаж за 1 месяц! рейтинг 4,88* на основе 26 отзывов!

Что умеет - смотри в картинках под спойлером (карты гугл, изображения для событий, генератор шорткодов, отличный код, настраиваемые цвета, готов к переводу, режим виджета, интеграция в гугл календарь, пайпал, повторяющиеся и бесконечные события, таймеры обратного отсчета, бронирование, совместмость с VC, SEO и плагинами кеширования, мульти сайт).

Есть возможность демо доступа в админку!


Main Features


Add event image
Location Maps
Single day events
Multiple day events
You can create events that hold more than 1 day
Ability to create all day events
Add to Google Calendar feature
Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. by downloading .ics file
Advanced event locations system
Advanced event organizer system
Ability to insert images for locations and organizers
Ability to tag events
Ability to categorizing events in unlimited categories
Repeating events
Ability to create daily events
Ability to create weekly events
Ability to create monthly events
Ability to create yearly events
Ability to repeat events on weekdays and weekends
Ability to set custom intervals for events.
Never end events
Ability to create never end events
Ability to set a certain date for event finish
Ability to finish an event after certain repeats
Event countdown
Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
Shortcode creator interface
Advanced filtering options for shortcode creator
Dynamic event labels
Advanced RSS feed
Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
Ability to insert custom CSS in settings
Ability to show only featured events
Smooth Month navigation
More than 10 different map styles for Google Maps
Ability to export all events from WP backend
Support comment form in single event page
Translation Ready
English and Spanish language support

Font Awesome icons
Multiple color skins
Ability to select custom colors
Monthly/Calendar view
Weekly view
Daily View
List/Grid views
Map view
Show events on the Google Maps based on their location
RTL support
Custom colors for events

Ability to create various kind of tickets
Ability to set a limit on total bookings
Ability to set a limit for certain tickets
Ability to create free tickets
Add custom fields to booking form
Global Tax/Fee creation system
Ability to create certain fees for each event
Coupons and Discount manager
Ability to disable coupons feature
Advanced currency options
Implemented 3 payment methods
Pay locally
PayPal Express
PayPal Credit Card
Ability to enable/disable payment methods
Send different notifications to booker/admin
Booking notification for booker/attendee
Booking notification for admin
Booking verification to attendee
Booking confirmation by admin to attendee
Ability to automatically verify free and/or paid bookings
Ability to completely disable booking feature if you don’t want to use it.
CSV export option for bookings
MS Excel export option for bookings

WPML ready
WordPress Multisite ready
Visual Composer addon
Cache plugins compatibility
SEO plugins compatibility

Completely developer friendly
Ability to override archive and single pages in a theme
Ability to override skin files in a theme
Ability to filter plugin options using WordPress filtering system
Ability to fire custom functions using WordPress actions API

Single and Multiple day events
Advanced Google Maps
Advanced categorizing and filtering options
Recurring/Repeating events
Never end events
Shortcode Creator
Visual Composer Addon
Multiple color skins
Monthly/Calendar View
Weekly View
Daily View
List/Grid View
Map View
RTL support
Advanced Tax/Fee system
Multiple Tickets system
Coupons/Discount system
PayPal Integration
CSV/MS Excel export
Multisite Ready
WPML Ready
SEO ready
Developer friendly


Test Demo Account

username: demo
password: demo
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