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Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin
Набор различных дополнений, расширений, исправлений, улучшений и разных настроек для Woocommerce:
Есть бесплатный плагин с сильно урезанным функционалом
- Add to Cart Labels - Change text for Add to Cart button by WooCommerce product type, by product category or for individual products.
- Address Formats - Set address format in WooCommerce orders on per country basis. Force base country display.
- All Currencies - Add all world currencies to your WooCommerce store; change currency symbol.
- Call for Price - Create any custom price label for all WooCommerce products with empty price.
- Checkout Core Fields - Customize WooCommerce core checkout fields. Disable/enable fields, set required, change labels and/or placeholders.
- Checkout Custom Fields - Add custom fields to WooCommerce checkout page.
- Checkout Custom Info - Add custom info to WooCommerce checkout page.
- Crowdfunding - Add crowdfunding products to WooCommerce.
- Currency for External Products - Set different currency for external WooCommerce products.
- Custom Order Numbers - WooCommerce sequential order numbering, custom order number prefix, suffix and number width.
- Custom Payment Gateways - Add multiple custom payment gateways to WooCommerce.
- Custom Price Labels - Create any custom price label for any WooCommerce product.
- Custom Product Tabs - Add custom product tabs - globally or per product. Customize or completely remove WooCommerce default product tabs.
- Emails - Add another email recipient(s) to all WooCommerce emails.
- Empty Cart Button - Add and customize "Empty Cart" button to cart page.
- Mini Cart - Customize WooCommerce mini cart widget.
- More Button Labels - Set WooCommerce "Place order" button label.
- More Sorting Options - Add more WooCommerce sorting options or remove all sorting including default.
- Order Custom Statuses - Custom statuses for WooCommerce orders.
- Orders - Minimum WooCommerce order amount; orders auto-complete.
- Payment Gateways Currency - Currency per WooCommerce payment gateway.
- Payment Gateways Fees and Discounts - Enable extra fees or discounts for WooCommerce payment gateways.
- Payment Gateways Icons - Change icons (images) for all default WooCommerce payment gateways..
- PDF Invoicing and Packing Slips - WooCommerce Invoices, Proforma Invoices, Credit Notes and Packing Slips.
- Prices and Currencies by Country - Change product's price and currency automatically by customer's country.
- Product Add to Cart - Set any local url to redirect to on WooCommerce Add to Cart. Automatically add to cart on product visit.
- Product Cost Price - Save WooCommerce product purchase costs data for admin reports.
- Product Images - Customize products images, thumbnails and sale flashes.
- Product Info - Add additional info to WooCommerce category and single product pages.
- Product Input Fields - Add custom input fields to all products or on per product basis.
- Product Listings - Change WooCommerce display options for shop and category pages: show/hide categories count, exclude categories, show/hide empty categories.
- Related Products - Change displayed WooCommerce related products number, columns, order, relate by tag and/or category, or hide related products completely.
- Remove Old Products Slugs - Remove old WooCommerce products slugs.
- Shipping - Hide WooCommerce shipping when free is available.
- Shipping Calculator Customizer - Customize WooCommerce shipping calculator on cart page.
- SKU - Generate WooCommerce SKUs automatically.
- Wholesale Price - Set WooCommerce wholesale pricing depending on product quantity in cart (buy more pay less).
- WooCommerce Bulk Price Converter - Multiply all WooCommerce products prices by set value.
- WooCommerce Cart - Add custom info to WooCommerce cart page.
- WooCommerce EU VAT Number - Collect and validate EU VAT numbers on WooCommerce checkout. Automatically exempt VAT for valid numbers. Add all EU countries VAT standard rates to WooCommerce.
- WooCommerce Payment Gateways per Product or Category - Show gateway only if there is product of selected category in WooCommerce cart.
- WPML - Booster for WooCommerce basic WPML support.
Полная версия
Цена $49.99 single site лицензия на год
продление https://skladchik.com/threads/wp-booster-plus-for-woocommerce-plugin.109096/
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