Скоро [WP] 32 уникальных шорткодов для Wishlist Member

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0
Wishlist Smart Shortcodes – Bundle для Wishlist Member


Wishlist Smart Shortcodes позволяет отображать различные типы информации, в том числе статистические для ваших подписчиков с использованием Smart Shortcodes

Эти шорткоды помогут повысить уровень удовлетворенности, вовлеченности и отсева ваших подписчиков, и значительно увеличить ваши доходы.

Эти шорткоды являются уникальными и не включаются в сам плагин Wishlist Member.

Wishlist Smart Shortcodes включает в себя 32 уникальных шорткодов и разделен на 4 разных продукта:

Wishlist Smart Shortcodes allows you to display different types of information, including statistic information, to your members using smart shortcodes.

These shortcodes will help increase your members’ satisfaction, engagement and retention rates, and increase your revenues significantly.

These shortcodes are unique and are not included in the Wishlist Member plugin itself.

The Shortcodes
Wishlist Smart Shortcodes includes 32 unique shortcodes in total and it is divided to 4 different products:

The Core Plugin (Includes 16 shortcodes)
This is the main plugin, it includes content (6), members (4) and protection (6) dedicated shortcodes.

The content dedicated shortcodes include:

  1. Display content relevant to members who are associated with any level specified
  2. Display content to members who are associated with all levels specified
  3. Display content to members who are associated with the exact levels specified
  4. Hide content from members who are associated with any level specified
  5. Hide content from members who are associated with all levels specified
  6. Hide content from members who are associated with the exact levels specified
The members’ dedicated shortcodes include:

  1. Total number of unique members in all membership levels
  2. Total number of active members in all membership levels
  3. Total number of cancelled members in all membership levels
  4. The total number of members in a specific membership level
The protection dedicated shortcodes include:

  1. Total number of unique protected posts in a specific level specified
  2. Total number of unique protected pages in a specific level specified
  3. Total number of unique protected categories in a specific level specified
  4. Total number of unique protected posts in all levels
  5. Total number of unique protected pages in all levels
  6. Total number of unique protected categories in all levels
Purchase the Core Plugin or purchase Wishlist Smart Shortcodes Bundle & get 25% off

The Content Add-On (Includes 5 shortcodes)
The Content Add-On includes 5 more unique content dedicated shortcodes that allow you to display the content inside your membership site to members in different ways including:

  1. Hide specific content from members who are not associated in specific membership levels
  2. Display specific content to members who are not associated to specific membership levels
  3. Display all the posts accessible in each membership level
  4. Display all the pages accessible in each membership level
  5. Display all the categories accessible in each membership level
Purchase the Content Add-On or purchase Wishlist Smart Shortcodes Bundle & get 25% off

The Members Add-On (Includes 3 shortcodes)
The Members’ Add-On includes 3 more unique members dedicated shortcodes that allow you to display different information which is specific to each member including:

  1. A list of all the posts accessible to each member specifically
  2. A list of all the pages accessible to each member specifically
  3. A list of all the categories accessible to each member specifically
Purchase the Members Add-On or purchase Wishlist Smart Shortcodes Bundle & get 25% off

The Protection Add-On (Includes 8 shortcodes)
The Protection Add-On includes 8 more unique protection dedicated shortcodes that allow you to display different information regarding your protection settings including:

  1. Total number of paid posts under pay-per-post protection
  2. Total number of paid pages under pay-per-post protection
  3. Total number of unique protected posts and pages in a specific membership level
  4. Total number of unique protected posts and pages in all membership levels
  5. Upgrade to a specific membership level/ levels in a click of a button
  6. Upgrade to a specific membership level/ levels by simply accessing specific content related to the level/s
  7. Grant access to post/ posts you choose in a click of a button
  8. Grant access to post/ posts you choose by simply accessing specific content related to the post/s
Purchase the Protection Add-On or purchase Wishlist Smart Shortcodes Bundle & get 25% off

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