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Вяжем косы. От основ до продвинутых методов
с с Пэтти Лунс
Bring eye-catching cables and luxurious texture to your knitting. From the fundamentals to advanced techniques, become empowered to knit cables with confidence.
Hone the skills to knit four included projects featuring marvelous cables: three scarves and a shaped cable and lace hat. Once you're finished, you'll be ready to knit the three graduation projects you'll find in your course materials. During class, certified knitting instructor Patty Lyons will dash your pattern and chart-reading fears as she demystifies abbreviations and symbols. Then, learn the foundations of cabling, before you start stitching! Patty will guide you through six swatches, helping you get comfortable with asymmetrical and symmetrical cables, traveling stitches, right and left twists, braids and compound cables. You'll even learn to cable without a cable needle, so you can see the cable cross before you've knit. Plus, Patty will teach you blocking basics and all the troubleshooting information you'll need.
Всё что нужно знать о вязании кос и аранов, у вас больше не останется вопросов, страхов и затруднений, будем путать нитки по законам жанра для лучшего результата вместе с Пэтти Лунс в её курсе "Исследование кос". Мы начнём с чтения схем и закончим свободным пониманием внутренней структуры узора. Вязать косы прямо, по кругу, без схем, реально!
Цена: со скидкой $19.99 Обычная цена: $39.99
Язык - англ.
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