Скоро [Udemy] Learning Path: Django: A Practical Approach to Master Django

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0
Learning Path: Django: A Practical Approach to Master Django
Легкий процесс создания сайтов на Django


Лекции - 120
Общее время - 13 ч.
Языки - Английский

Django is a high-level Python-based framework that encourages rapid development and provides a clean, sensible design. Application development with Django can be summarized in these words: Easy Creation: Scalable Application.

The primary goal of Django is to ease the creation of complex and database-driven websites. Django supports the principle of not repeating yourself by providing support for reusability and pluggability. Some of the well-known companies using Django include Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), Instagram, Mozilla, and so on. If you are a web developer knowing basics of Django and want to learn advanced features of Django, then this Learning Path is for you.

In this course, you will have an in-depth knowledge regarding various advanced features used by Django such as using class-based views, creation of custom middlewares, and templates. You will also get acquainted with some features like creating APIs and caching. You will also get a clear understanding of the topics with a lot of examples and practice. Finally you will gain knowledge of how Django projects are made by creating Django projects.

By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to create advanced Django websites with the help of illustrative examples and practice.
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