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20 Сен 2020
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The Addictive Brain
Professor Thad Polk Ph.D.
University of Michigan

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4.7 из 5​

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Мозг зависимый
Профессор Тэд Полк
Университет Мичигана

Информация о курсе

12 лекций | 31 минуту каждая

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Addiction touches us all. Whether it’s a friend who can’t quit smoking, a colleague afflicted with alcoholism, or a relative abusing prescription drugs, we all know someone who suffers from some form of addiction—we may even have an addiction ourselves. By some estimates, roughly one in four Americans might be considered addicts. On the other hand, many of us use substances such as alcohol recreationally, without suffering the physical or psychological symptoms of addiction. So what is the difference between drug use, abuse, and clinical addiction? What causes addictions? What happens when your brain is on drugs, and why do addicts behave the way they do?

Neuroscientists are beginning to answer these questions and more by examining the inner workings of the brain. Addiction is sometimes viewed as a failure of morality, character, or will. But neuroscience offers a very different picture—one that can inform how we, as individuals and as a society, treat addicts and the problems caused by addiction. Professor Thad A. Polk, an award-winning professor and researcher at the University of Michigan, shows you that addiction is a scientifically understandable problem that has its origins in neurobiology and genetics. The twelve eye-opening lectures of The Addictive Brain will change the way you think about addiction.

This course takes you through the psychology of reward, positive and negative reinforcement, and theories of learning. You’ll then review the field of genetics—including studies of twins and other investigations that offer biological insights into behavior. You’ll learn how neurotransmitters communicate information between brain cells and how they influence many of the activities of our bodies and minds—including the experience of pleasure and our ability to make sound decisions.

After exploring the myriad ways in which humans learn and how the brain drives our actions, you’ll delve deep to see what happens at a neural level when someone sips coffee, smokes a cigarette, drinks alcohol, snorts cocaine, and more. Investigating what happens when different drugs enter the brain, and the ways drug molecules induce pleasure and shut down our ability to make good decisions, provides real insight into the biology and even psychology of addiction. To give you a comprehensive overview, The Addictive Brain covers not only addictive substances, but also addictive behaviors such as gambling—all through the lens of the latest scientific research and analysis.

12 Лекций:

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