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Спиральная стабилизация тела.Спиральная стабилизация - это революционный метод упражнений, изобретенный чешским врачом (Смишек Ричард). Этот метод более 20 лет является очень успешным в Германии.
Спиральная стабилизация является высокоэффективной, лечебной и профилактической. Это чрезвычайно универсальный метод, и поэтому его может использовать любой, кто желает улучшить свою осанку, лечить боли в спине, предотвратить травмы, сохранить хорошее здоровье и хорошее самочувствие или улучшить спортивную форму.
Спиральная стабилизация эффективно излечивает заболевания позвоночника и основных суставав. Лечит боли в спине, шее, плечах и бедрах, хронические боли, ишиас, грыжу диска, сколиоз, лордоз, кифоз, головные боли, мигрени, плоскостопие, вальгусную деформацию, боли в спине во время беременности и другие состояния. Это неинвазивное и нехирургическое лечение, которое сохраняет результативность длительное время, особенно для клиентов с грыжей диска и сколиозом.
Метод подходит для детей, взрослых, пожилых людей и спортсменов. Простые упражнения могут быть комфортно выполнены дома или под наблюдением вашего терапевта.
Spiral Stabilization is a revolutionary exercise method invented by a Czech medical doctor. The method has proven successful in Germany for over 20 years, where treatments are paid for through medical insurance.
Spiral Stabilization is highly effective, curative and preventative. It is an extremely versatile method and it can therefore be used by anyone who wishes to improve their posture, treat back pain, prevent injuries, maintain good health and well-being or to improve sports conditioning.
Spiral Stabilization effectively and permanently treats spinal disorders and disorders in the main joints. More specifically, it treats back, neck, shoulder and hip pain, chronic pain, sciatica, disc herniation, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, headaches, migraines, flat feet, hallux valgus, back pain in pregnancy and other conditions. It is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment that achieves lasting results, especially for clients with disc herniation and scoliosis.
The method is suitable for children, adults, the elderly and athletes. Simple exercises can be comfortably performed at home or under the supervision of your therapist.
Muscle Chains
An awareness of various muscle connections within the body is required in order to understand how Spiral Stabilization treatment works. We call these muscle connections ‘muscle chains’, and divide them into two groups – vertical and spiral muscle chains.
The body was originally designed to use the spiral muscle system (chains) to spirally stabilise the body during movement such as walking and running. Only in this way can the body maintain a pattern of completely natural human movement whilst regenerating the spine and the body.
The shape and function of the spine are affected by the movement of the arm and shoulder. It is the backward movement of the arm and the shoulder (also the shoulder blade) that initiates the contraction and activity of the spiral chains – mainly the muscles between the shoulder blades (latissimus and trapezius muscles) and the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles and glutes.
All this explains why Spiral Stabilization exercises require a unique spiral stabilisation of the spine during treatment. During exercise the whole body’s stabilising spiral muscles are connected together which creates a dynamic stabilising muscle corset. This corset engages the abdominal wall and narrows the waist. Contraction of spiral muscle chains help the body to develop upward strength which creates traction of the spine that relieves pressure on the intervertebral discs and joints. This allows for their nutrition, regeneration and treatment. Muscle spirals also allow for optimal spinal movement whilst aligning the spine into a central body axis.
Unfortunately, technology and inactive sedentary lifestyles hinder us from optimally coordinated movement and the correct function of spiral chains. This is caused by muscle tightness/shortening in the vertical muscle chains – mainly paravertebral muscles along the spine and hip flexors. This tightness causes flexion/bending in the joints and incorrect posture. In addition, muscle weakness causes muscle imbalances in the body that result in spinal and joint compression which, in turn, causes back pain.
Spiral Stabilization exercises eliminate those muscle imbalances. Each exercise stretches muscle tightness in vertical chains and strengthens muscle weakness in spiral chains. Strengthening of the spiral muscle chains (abdominal muscles, back muscles between the shoulder blades, glutes) creates natural spinal traction and decompression. This regenerates the spine and relieves pain.
Для наглядного примера видео для начинающих:
Приобретаем 18 видео:
1. VIDEO EXERCISE PACKAGE £15.00 - Видео комплект упражнений - 15 евро
2. INTERMEDIATE £10.00 - Средний уровень - 10 евро
3. STANDING BEGINNER £10.00 - Упражнения стоя для начинающих - 10 евро
4. SITTING BEGINNER £10.00 - Упражнения сидя для начинающих - 10 евро
5. SINGLE ARM EXERCISE PROGRESSION £5.00 - Упражнения для рук от простого к сложному - 5 евро
6. LEG EXERCISE PROGRESSION £3.00 - Упражнения для ног от простого к сложному - 3 евро
7. KNEELING EXERCISE PROGRESSION £5.00 - Упражнения для коленей от простого к сложному - 5 евро
8. LEG EXERCISE £1.00 - Упражнения для ног - 1 евро
9. HIP FLEXOR REVERSE CROSS £1.00 - Упражнения для бедёр - 1 евро
10. KNEELING REVERSE CROSS £1.00 - Упражнения для коленей (Обратный крест) - 1 евро
11. KNEELING CROSS £1.00 - Упражнения для коленей 2 ( Крест) - 1 евро
12. SIDE PUSH £1.00 - Упражнение для боковой части тела (толкаем) - 1 евро
13. SINGLE ARM CIRCLE £1.00 - Вращение рукой - 1 евро
14. SIDE PULL £1.00 - Упражнение для боковой части тела (тянем) - 1 евро
15. SINGLE ARM BASIC £1.00 - Базовое упражнение для рук - 1 евро
16. CIRCLE £1.00 - Круг - 1 евро
17. REVERSE CROSS £1.00 - Обратный крест - 1 евро
18. CROSS £1.00 - Крест - 1 евро
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Стоимость: 69 евро, примерно 5300руб (Организатор поправит)
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