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Реактивное программирование на iOS с RxSwift
Чему я научусь? (без перевода, т.к. одни термины по сути)
Стоимость: $55
- Understand the fundamentals of reactive programming and reactive extensions
- Use marble diagrams to explore RxSwift operators
- Create and subscribe to observable sequences
- Work with subjects
- Work with traits
- Transform, filter, and combine observable sequences
- Perform side effects in an observable chain
- Understand and use schedulers to manage concurrency
- Bind user interface elements
- Bind data to and from user interface elements
- Bind table and collection views
- Use forward delegates to mix Rx and traditional code
- Debug Rx code with debug and total
- Handle errors
- Write unit tests against Rx code
- Perform networking operations
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- Статус
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