Python Python Tutorials - Corey Schafer (2021)



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24 Янв 2019
Python Tutorials
Corey Schafer

Изображение Python Tutorials - Corey Schafer (2021)

Career Advice\
Career Advice\01.5 Essential Skills Every Well-Rounded Programmer Should Know.mp4
Career Advice\02.Frequently Asked Questions #1- Text Editors, Books, Career Advice, and More.mp4
Career Advice\03.Overview of Online Learning Resources.mp4
Career Advice\04.How Software Engineers, Developers, and Designers can volunteer their skills.mp4
Career Advice\05.Preparing for a Python Interview- 10 Things You Should Know.mp4
Career Advice\06.Live Stream - Chat, Q&A, Brews, and Coding.mp4
Django Tutorials\
Django Tutorials\01.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.mp4
Django Tutorials\02.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Applications and Routes.mp4
Django Tutorials\03.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Templates.mp4
Django Tutorials\04.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Admin Page.mp4
Django Tutorials\05.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Database and Migrations.mp4
Django Tutorials\06.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Registration.mp4
Django Tutorials\07.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - Login and Logout System.mp4
Django Tutorials\08.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - User Profile and Picture.mp4
Django Tutorials\09.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Update User Profile.mp4
Django Tutorials\10.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.mp4
Django Tutorials\11.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Pagination.mp4
Django Tutorials\12.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Email and Password Reset.mp4
Django Tutorials\13.Python Django Tutorial- Deploying Your Application (Option #1) - Deploy to a Linux Server.mp4
Django Tutorials\14.Python Django Tutorial- How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.mp4
Django Tutorials\15.Python Django Tutorial- How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL_TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.mp4
Django Tutorials\16.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 13 - Using AWS S3 for File Uploads.mp4
Django Tutorials\17.Python Django Tutorial- Deploying Your Application (Option #2) - Deploy using Heroku.mp4
Flask Tutorials\
Flask Tutorials\01.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.mp4
Flask Tutorials\02.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Templates.mp4
Flask Tutorials\03.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Forms and User Input.mp4
Flask Tutorials\04.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Database with Flask-SQLAlchemy.mp4
Flask Tutorials\05.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Package Structure.mp4
Flask Tutorials\06.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Authentication.mp4
Flask Tutorials\07.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - User Account and Profile Picture.mp4
Flask Tutorials\08.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.mp4
Flask Tutorials\09.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Pagination.mp4
Flask Tutorials\10.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Email and Password Reset.mp4
Flask Tutorials\11.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Blueprints and Configuration.mp4
Flask Tutorials\12.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Custom Error Pages.mp4
Flask Tutorials\13.Python Flask Tutorial- Deploying Your Application (Option #1) - Deploy to a Linux Server.mp4
Flask Tutorials\14.Python Flask Tutorial- How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.mp4
Flask Tutorials\15.Python Flask Tutorial- How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL_TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.mp4
Git Tutorials\
Git Tutorials\01.Git Tutorial for Beginners- Command-Line Fundamentals.mp4
Git Tutorials\02.Git Tutorial- Fixing Common Mistakes and Undoing Bad Commits.mp4
Git Tutorials\03.Git Tutorial- Using the Stash Command.mp4
Git Tutorials\04.Git Tutorial- Diff and Merge Tools.mp4
Git Tutorials\05.Git Tutorial- Change DiffMerge Font-Size on Mac OSX.mp4
Git Tutorials\06.Git Tutorial- Difference between 'add -A',
JavaScript Tutorials\
JavaScript Tutorials\01.JavaScript Tutorial- Run JavaScript in Sublime Text with a NodeJS Build System.mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\02.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 1 of 7).mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\03.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 2 of 7).mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\04.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 3 of 7).mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\05.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 4 of 7).mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\06.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 5 of 7).mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\07.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 6 of 7).mp4
JavaScript Tutorials\08.JavaScript Arrays- Properties, Methods, and Manipulation (Part 7 of 7).mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\
Linux-Mac Tutorials\01.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- Navigating your Filesystem.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\02.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- Create, Copy, Move, Rename and Delete Files and Directories.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\03.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- How To Use The find Command.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\04.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- The Grep Command - Search Files and Directories for Patterns of Text.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\05.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- How To Use The cURL Command.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\06.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- How To Use The rsync Command - Sync Files Locally and Remotely.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\07.Linux_Mac Tutorial- Cron Jobs - How to Schedule Commands with crontab.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\08.Customizing Your Terminal- .bash_profile and .bashrc files.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\09.Customizing Your Terminal- Adding Color and Information to Your Prompt.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\10.Customizing Your Terminal- How To Use and Modify Dotfiles.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\11.Mac OS X Terminal Tutorial- Time-Saving Keyboard Shortcuts.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\12.Linux_Mac Terminal Tutorial- Creating Aliases for Commands.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\13.Easily Resize Multiple Images Using the Mac Terminal.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\14.VirtualBox- How to Use Snapshots.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\15.How to Run Linux_Bash on Windows 10 Using the Built-In Windows Subsystem for Linux.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\16.Homebrew Tutorial- Simplify Software Installation on Mac Using This Package Manager.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\17.How I Setup a New Development Machine - Using Scripts to Automate Installs and Save Time.mp4
Linux-Mac Tutorials\18.Linux_Mac Tutorial- SSH Key-Based Authentication - How to SSH Without a Password.mp4
Mac Tips and Tricks\
Mac Tips and Tricks\01.Using Font Awesome in Desktop Applications (OS X).mp4
Mac Tips and Tricks\02.Mac Tip- Adding Folder Stacks to the Dock.mp4
Mac Tips and Tricks\03.Mac Tip- New Split Screen Feature in El Capitan.mp4
Mac Tips and Tricks\04.Mac Tip- Windows' Snapping Feature on Mac with HyperDock.mp4
Mac Tips and Tricks\05.Mac Tip- Ways to perform Screen Capturing and Screenshots.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\
Matplotlib Tutorials\01.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 1)- Creating and Customizing Our First Plots.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\02.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 2)- Bar Charts and Analyzing Data from CSVs.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\03.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 3)- Pie Charts.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\04.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 4)- Stack Plots.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\05.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 5)- Filling Area on Line Plots.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\06.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 6)- Histograms.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\07.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 7)- Scatter Plots.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\08.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 8)- Plotting Time Series Data.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\09.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 9)- Plotting Live Data in Real-Time.mp4
Matplotlib Tutorials\10.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 10)- Subplots.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\
Pandas Tutorials\01.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 1)- Getting Started with Data Analysis - Installation and Loading Data.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\02.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 2)- DataFrame and Series Basics - Selecting Rows and Columns.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\03.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 3)- Indexes - How to Set, Reset, and Use Indexes.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\04.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 4)- Filtering - Using Conditionals to Filter Rows and Columns.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\05.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 5)- Updating Rows and Columns - Modifying Data Within DataFrames.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\06.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 6)- Add_Remove Rows and Columns From DataFrames.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\07.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 7)- Sorting Data.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\08.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 8)- Grouping and Aggregating - Analyzing and Exploring Your Data.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\09.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 9)- Cleaning Data - Casting Datatypes and Handling Missing Values.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\10.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 10)- Working with Dates and Time Series Data.mp4
Pandas Tutorials\11.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 11)- Reading_Writing Data to Different Sources - Excel, JSON, SQL, Etc.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\01.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Sublime Text.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\02.Python Tutorial- Custom Sublime Text Build Systems.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\03.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Atom.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\04.Python Tutorial- Anaconda - Installation and Using Conda.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\05.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Eclipse.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\06.Python Tutorial- pip - An in-depth look at the package management system.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\07.Python Tutorial- virtualenv and why you should use virtual environments.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\08.Visual Studio Code (Mac) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview.mp4
Python - Setting up a Python Environment\09.Visual Studio Code (Windows) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview.mp4
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\01.Python OOP Tutorial 1- Classes and Instances.mp4
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\02.Python OOP Tutorial 2- Class Variables.mp4
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\03.Python OOP Tutorial 3- classmethods and staticmethods.mp4
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\04.Python OOP Tutorial 4- Inheritance - Creating Subclasses.mp4
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\05.Python OOP Tutorial 5- Special (Magic_Dunder) Methods.mp4
Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes\06.Python OOP Tutorial 6- Property Decorators - Getters, Setters, and Deleters.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\01.Python Tutorial for Beginners 1- Install and Setup for Mac and Windows.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\02.Python Tutorial for Beginners 2- Strings - Working with Textual Data.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\03.Python Tutorial for Beginners 3- Integers and Floats - Working with Numeric Data.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\04.Python Tutorial for Beginners 4- Lists, Tuples, and Sets.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\05.Python Tutorial for Beginners 5- Dictionaries - Working with Key-Value Pairs.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\06.Python Tutorial for Beginners 6- Conditionals and Booleans - If, Else, and Elif Statements.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\07.Python Tutorial for Beginners 7- Loops and Iterations - For_While Loops.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\08.Python Tutorial for Beginners 8- Functions.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\09.Python Tutorial for Beginners 9- Import Modules and Exploring The Standard Library.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\10.Python Tutorial- OS Module - Use Underlying Operating System Functionality.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\11.Python Tutorial- File Objects - Reading and Writing to Files.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\12.Python Tutorial- How to Set the Path and Switch Between Different Versions_Executables (Windows).mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\13.Python Tutorial- How to Set the Path and Switch Between Different Versions_Executables (Mac & Linux).mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\14.Python Tutorial- Automate Parsing and Renaming of Multiple Files.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\15.Python Tutorial- CSV Module - How to Read, Parse, and Write CSV Files.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\16.Python Tutorial- Real World Example - Parsing Names From a CSV to an HTML List.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\17.Python Tutorial- Datetime Module - How to work with Dates, Times, Timedeltas, and Timezones.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\18.Python Tutorial- Variable Scope - Understanding the LEGB rule and global_nonlocal statements.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\19.Python Tutorial- Sorting Lists, Tuples, and Objects.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\20.Python Tutorial- Using Try_Except Blocks for Error Handling.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\21.Python Tutorial- Unit Testing Your Code with the unittest Module.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\22.Python Tutorial- Pipenv - Easily Manage Packages and Virtual Environments.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\23.Python Requests Tutorial- Request Web Pages, Download Images, POST Data, Read JSON, and More.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\24.Python Tutorial- VENV (Mac & Linux) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\25.Python Tutorial- VENV (Windows) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module.mp4
Python Programming Beginner Tutorials\26.5 Common Python Mistakes and How to Fix Them.mp4
Python Tutorials\
Python Tutorials\01.Python Tutorial for Beginners 1- Install and Setup for Mac and Windows.mp4
Python Tutorials\02.Python Tutorial for Beginners 2- Strings - Working with Textual Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\03.Python Tutorial for Beginners 3- Integers and Floats - Working with Numeric Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\04.Python Tutorial for Beginners 4- Lists, Tuples, and Sets.mp4
Python Tutorials\05.Python Tutorial for Beginners 5- Dictionaries - Working with Key-Value Pairs.mp4
Python Tutorials\06.Python Tutorial for Beginners 6- Conditionals and Booleans - If, Else, and Elif Statements.mp4
Python Tutorials\07.Python Tutorial for Beginners 7- Loops and Iterations - For_While Loops.mp4
Python Tutorials\08.Python Tutorial for Beginners 8- Functions.mp4
Python Tutorials\09.Python Tutorial for Beginners 9- Import Modules and Exploring The Standard Library.mp4
Python Tutorials\10.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Sublime Text.mp4
Python Tutorials\11.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Atom.mp4
Python Tutorials\12.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Eclipse.mp4
Python Tutorials\13.Python Tutorial- pip - An in-depth look at the package management system.mp4
Python Tutorials\14.Python Tutorial- virtualenv and why you should use virtual environments.mp4
Python Tutorials\15.Python Tutorial- Anaconda - Installation and Using Conda.mp4
Python Tutorials\16.Python Tutorial- How I Manage Multiple Projects, Virtual Environments, and Environment Variables.mp4
Python Tutorials\17.Jupyter Notebook Tutorial- Introduction, Setup, and Walkthrough.mp4
Python Tutorials\18.Python Tutorial- Variable Scope - Understanding the LEGB rule and global_nonlocal statements.mp4
Python Tutorials\19.Python Tutorial- Slicing Lists and Strings.mp4
Python Tutorials\20.Python Tutorial- Comprehensions - How they work and why you should be using them.mp4
Python Tutorials\21.Python Tutorial- Sorting Lists, Tuples, and Objects.mp4
Python Tutorials\22.Python Tutorial- String Formatting - Advanced Operations for Dicts, Lists, Numbers, and Dates.mp4
Python Tutorials\23.Python Tutorial- OS Module - Use Underlying Operating System Functionality.mp4
Python Tutorials\24.Python Tutorial- Datetime Module - How to work with Dates, Times, Timedeltas, and Timezones.mp4
Python Tutorials\25.Python Tutorial- File Objects - Reading and Writing to Files.mp4
Python Tutorials\26.Python Tutorial- Automate Parsing and Renaming of Multiple Files.mp4
Python Tutorials\27.Python Tutorial- Generate Random Numbers and Data Using the random Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\28.Python Tutorial- CSV Module - How to Read, Parse, and Write CSV Files.mp4
Python Tutorials\29.Python Tutorial- Real World Example - Parsing Names From a CSV to an HTML List.mp4
Python Tutorials\30.Python Tutorial- re Module - How to Write and Match Regular Expressions (Regex).mp4
Python Tutorials\31.Python Tutorial- Using Try_Except Blocks for Error Handling.mp4
Python Tutorials\32.Python Tutorial- Duck Typing and Asking Forgiveness, Not Permission (EAFP).mp4
Python Tutorials\33.Python Tutorial- How to Set the Path and Switch Between Different Versions_Executables (Windows).mp4
Python Tutorials\34.Python Tutorial- How to Set the Path and Switch Between Different Versions_Executables (Mac & Linux).mp4
Python Tutorials\35.Python Quick Tip- F-Strings - How to Use Them and Advanced String Formatting.mp4
Python Tutorials\36.Python Tutorial- Generators - How to use them and the benefits you receive.mp4
Python Tutorials\37.Python Tutorial- Decorators - Dynamically Alter The Functionality Of Your Functions.mp4
Python Tutorials\38.Python Tutorial- Decorators With Arguments.mp4
Python Tutorials\39.Python Tutorial- Namedtuple - When and why should you use namedtuples-.mp4
Python Tutorials\40.Python OOP Tutorial 1- Classes and Instances.mp4
Python Tutorials\41.Python OOP Tutorial 2- Class Variables.mp4
Python Tutorials\42.Python OOP Tutorial 3- classmethods and staticmethods.mp4
Python Tutorials\43.Python OOP Tutorial 4- Inheritance - Creating Subclasses.mp4
Python Tutorials\44.Python OOP Tutorial 5- Special (Magic_Dunder) Methods.mp4
Python Tutorials\45.Python OOP Tutorial 6- Property Decorators - Getters, Setters, and Deleters.mp4
Python Tutorials\46.Python Tutorial- Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Requests.mp4
Python Tutorials\47.Python Tutorial- Working with JSON Data using the json Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\48.Python Tutorial- Calculate Number of Days, Weeks, or Months to Reach Specific Goals.mp4
Python Tutorials\49.Python Tutorial- Context Managers - Efficiently Managing Resources.mp4
Python Tutorials\50.Python Tutorial- str() vs repr().mp4
Python Tutorials\51.Python SQLite Tutorial- Complete Overview - Creating a Database, Table, and Running Queries.mp4
Python Tutorials\52.Python Tutorial- Logging Basics - Logging to Files, Setting Levels, and Formatting.mp4
Python Tutorials\53.Python Tutorial- Logging Advanced - Loggers, Handlers, and Formatters.mp4
Python Tutorials\54.Python Quick Tip- Hiding Passwords and Secret Keys in Environment Variables (Mac & Linux).mp4
Python Tutorials\55.Python Quick Tip- Hiding Passwords and Secret Keys in Environment Variables (Windows).mp4
Python Tutorials\56.Python Tutorial- if __name__ == '__main__'.mp4
Python Tutorials\57.Python Tutorial- Unit Testing Your Code with the unittest Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\58.Python Tutorial- Pipenv - Easily Manage Packages and Virtual Environments.mp4
Python Tutorials\59.Preparing for a Python Interview- 10 Things You Should Know.mp4
Python Tutorials\60.Python Tutorial- Else Clauses on Loops.mp4
Python Tutorials\61.Python Tutorial- Image Manipulation with Pillow.mp4
Python Tutorials\62.Python Tutorial- Custom Sublime Text Build Systems.mp4
Python Tutorials\63.Python- Ex Machina Easter Egg - Hidden Message within the Code.mp4
Python Tutorials\64.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.mp4
Python Tutorials\65.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Templates.mp4
Python Tutorials\66.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Forms and User Input.mp4
Python Tutorials\67.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Database with Flask-SQLAlchemy.mp4
Python Tutorials\68.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Package Structure.mp4
Python Tutorials\69.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Authentication.mp4
Python Tutorials\70.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - User Account and Profile Picture.mp4
Python Tutorials\71.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.mp4
Python Tutorials\72.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Pagination.mp4
Python Tutorials\73.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Email and Password Reset.mp4
Python Tutorials\74.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Blueprints and Configuration.mp4
Python Tutorials\75.Python Flask Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Custom Error Pages.mp4
Python Tutorials\76.Python Tutorial- Sets - Set Methods and Operations to Solve Common Problems.mp4
Python Tutorials\77.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.mp4
Python Tutorials\78.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Applications and Routes.mp4
Python Tutorials\79.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Templates.mp4
Python Tutorials\80.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Admin Page.mp4
Python Tutorials\81.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Database and Migrations.mp4
Python Tutorials\82.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Registration.mp4
Python Tutorials\83.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - Login and Logout System.mp4
Python Tutorials\84.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - User Profile and Picture.mp4
Python Tutorials\85.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Update User Profile.mp4
Python Tutorials\86.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.mp4
Python Tutorials\87.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Pagination.mp4
Python Tutorials\88.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Email and Password Reset.mp4
Python Tutorials\89.Python Django Tutorial- Deploying Your Application (Option #1) - Deploy to a Linux Server.mp4
Python Tutorials\90.Python Tutorial- Iterators and Iterables - What Are They and How Do They Work-.mp4
Python Tutorials\91.Python Coding Problem- Creating Your Own Iterators.mp4
Python Tutorials\92.Python Tutorial- Itertools Module - Iterator Functions for Efficient Looping.mp4
Python Tutorials\94.Python Flask Tutorial- How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.mp4
Python Tutorials\95.Python Django Tutorial- How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.mp4
Python Tutorials\96.Python Flask Tutorial- How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL_TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.mp4
Python Tutorials\97.Python Django Tutorial- How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL_TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.mp4
Python Tutorials\98.Python Django Tutorial- Full-Featured Web App Part 13 - Using AWS S3 for File Uploads.mp4
Python Tutorials\99.Python Django Tutorial- Deploying Your Application (Option #2) - Deploy using Heroku.mp4
Python Tutorials\100.Python Requests Tutorial- Request Web Pages, Download Images, POST Data, Read JSON, and More.mp4
Python Tutorials\101.Python Tutorial- Write a Script to Monitor a Website, Send Alert Emails, and Reboot Servers.mp4
Python Tutorials\102.Python Tutorial- Web Scraping with Requests-HTML.mp4
Python Tutorials\103.How to Send Emails Using Python - Plain Text, Adding Attachments, HTML Emails, and More.mp4
Python Tutorials\104.10 Python Tips and Tricks For Writing Better Code.mp4
Python Tutorials\105.Python Tutorial- VENV (Mac & Linux) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\106.Python Tutorial- VENV (Windows) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\107.How to Write Python Scripts to Analyze JSON APIs and Sort Results.mp4
Python Tutorials\108.5 Common Python Mistakes and How to Fix Them.mp4
Python Tutorials\109.Python Tutorial- Clarifying the Issues with Mutable Default Arguments.mp4
Python Tutorials\110.Visual Studio Code (Mac) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview.mp4
Python Tutorials\111.Visual Studio Code (Windows) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview.mp4
Python Tutorials\113.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 2)- Bar Charts and Analyzing Data from CSVs.mp4
Python Tutorials\114.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 3)- Pie Charts.mp4
Python Tutorials\115.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 4)- Stack Plots.mp4
Python Tutorials\116.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 5)- Filling Area on Line Plots.mp4
Python Tutorials\117.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 6)- Histograms.mp4
Python Tutorials\118.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 7)- Scatter Plots.mp4
Python Tutorials\119.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 8)- Plotting Time Series Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\120.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 9)- Plotting Live Data in Real-Time.mp4
Python Tutorials\121.Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 10)- Subplots.mp4
Python Tutorials\122.Python Tutorial- Calling External Commands Using the Subprocess Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\123.Python Quick Tip- The Difference Between .mp4
Python Tutorials\124.Python Threading Tutorial- Run Code Concurrently Using the Threading Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\125.Python Multiprocessing Tutorial- Run Code in Parallel Using the Multiprocessing Module.mp4
Python Tutorials\126.Python Data Science Tutorial- Analyzing the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey.mp4
Python Tutorials\127.Python Tutorial- Zip Files - Creating and Extracting Zip Archives.mp4
Python Tutorials\128.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 1)- Getting Started with Data Analysis - Installation and Loading Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\129.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 2)- DataFrame and Series Basics - Selecting Rows and Columns.mp4
Python Tutorials\130.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 3)- Indexes - How to Set, Reset, and Use Indexes.mp4
Python Tutorials\131.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 4)- Filtering - Using Conditionals to Filter Rows and Columns.mp4
Python Tutorials\132.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 5)- Updating Rows and Columns - Modifying Data Within DataFrames.mp4
Python Tutorials\133.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 6)- Add_Remove Rows and Columns From DataFrames.mp4
Python Tutorials\134.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 7)- Sorting Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\135.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 8)- Grouping and Aggregating - Analyzing and Exploring Your Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\136.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 9)- Cleaning Data - Casting Datatypes and Handling Missing Values.mp4
Python Tutorials\137.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 10)- Working with Dates and Time Series Data.mp4
Python Tutorials\138.Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 11)- Reading_Writing Data to Different Sources - Excel, JSON, SQL, Etc.mp4
Python Tutorials\139.Python Tutorial- Real World Example - Using Patreon API and Pillow to Automate Image Creation.mp4
Python Tutorials\140.Python YouTube API Tutorial- Getting Started - Creating an API Key and Querying the API.mp4
Python Tutorials\141.Python YouTube API Tutorial- Calculating the Duration of a Playlist.mp4
Python Tutorials\142.Python YouTube API Tutorial- Sort a Playlist by Most Popular Videos.mp4
Python Tutorials\143.Python YouTube API Tutorial- Using OAuth to Access User Accounts.mp4
Programming Terms\
Programming Terms\01.Programming Terms- Closures - How to Use Them and Why They Are Useful.mp4
Programming Terms\02.Programming Terms- First-Class Functions.mp4
Programming Terms\03.Programming Terms- Mutable vs Immutable.mp4
Programming Terms\04.Programming Terms- Memoization.mp4
Programming Terms\05.Programming Terms- Combinations and Permutations.mp4
Programming Terms\06.Programming Terms- Idempotence.mp4
Programming Terms\07.Programming Terms- DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).mp4
Programming Terms\08.Programming Terms- String Interpolation.mp4
SQL Tutorials\
SQL Tutorials\01.SQL Tutorial for Beginners 1- Installing PostgreSQL and Creating Your First Database.mp4
SQL Tutorials\02.SQL Tutorial for Beginners 2- Creating Your First Table.mp4
SQL Tutorials\03.SQL Tutorial for Beginners 3- INSERT - Adding Records to Your Database.mp4
SQL Tutorials\04.SQL Tutorial for Beginners 4- SELECT - Retrieving Records from Your Database.mp4
SQL Tutorials\05.SQL Tutorial for Beginners 5- UPDATE and DELETE - Modifying and Removing Records from Your Database.mp4
Sublime Text\
Sublime Text\01.Sublime Text 3- Setup, Package Control, and Settings.mp4
Sublime Text\02.Setting up a Python Development Environment in Sublime Text.mp4
Sublime Text\03.Sublime Text 2- Setup, Package Control, and Settings.mp4
Sublime Text\04.Sublime Text Quick Tip- 'Go To Definition' Click Shortcut.mp4
Sublime Text\05.Sublime Text Quick Tip- Launch Sublime Text from the Terminal.mp4
Sublime Text\06.Best Sublime Text Features and Shortcuts (Windows).mp4
Sublime Text\07.Best Sublime Text Features and Shortcuts (Mac).mp4
WordPress\01.WordPress Plugins- Imsanity.mp4
WordPress\02.WordPress Tips- Test your theme with Theme Unit Test and Monster Widget.mp4

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