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Мощный модуль для создания и рассылки информационных писем с ссылками на товары прямо из админки магазина.
Совместимость: PrestaShop v1.4.0.1 - v1.6.0.8
- Удобное добавление товаров в письмо с помощью фильтров
- Эффективное управление шаблонами (47 переменных для товаров и 26 переменных для клиентов)
- Удобное редактирование шаблоном с помощью WYSIWYG-редактора
- Управление списком получателей
- Возможность интеграции в популярные почтовые сервисы и MailChimp
- Автоматизация
- Сбор статистики (с помощью GA)
- и еще куча нужных фишек
Полное описание (англ):
1. General
- Save time. Perfect workflow with AJAX, the browser doesn't refresh because the most of the operations will run in background.
- Working with MultiStore.
- Working with MailChimp ( synchronization, import and export templates ).
- Allow customers to subscribe to a specific category from the shop.
2. Select products
- Easily add products from your store (image, name, price, short description, etc.). You can select the language and the currency in which the products are to appear in a newsletter.
- Smart search. Find the products by name, reference, and category.
- The new products and price drop products can be find very fast.
- The possibility to find the desired products by navigate through categories.
- Insert selected products into a new template.
3. Manage Templates
- Edit, Save, Save As, View and Delete the custom templates.
- Change in real time the template width ( by using a slider ), template background color, products background color, links color, products name color ( by using a color picker ).
- Modify the template header or CSS style directly from the module page.
- Export the template in a HTML format.
- There are two types of template: (1) product templates and (2) newsletter templates. The product templates are loaded in the newsletter templates.
- Highly template customization with TinyMce editor.
- Create custom templates for the products and save them for later use.
- Create a newsletter template with the selected products from your store.
- There are 30 static variables available for the product template. (ex: {name}, {price}, {link}, etc. ).
- There are 17 dynamic variables available for the product template. (ex: {$name}, {$price_display}, {$description}, etc. ).
- The dynamic variables are rendered in real time depended of each customer language, shop, group. For example if a product have the price 100$ and a customer is in group 1 and the second customer is in group 2, and the group 2 has applied a discount of 50%, the second customer will receive the price of 50$.
- Trim the static and dynamic variables to a specific length. (ex: variable {name} is IPod Shuffle, and after trim at 4 characters will became IPod… ).
- There are 26 variables available in the newsletter template (ex: {firstname},{lastname}, {unsubscribe}, etc.).
- Insert the logo store into template.
- Use conditional statement in the newsletter template (ex: {if isset(firstname)} Hi {firstname}! {/if}). This feature is a very powerful tool because not all users subscribed have the name assigned to their email address.
- The developers have the possibility to create new variables very easily. The new variables can be associated with the customer.
4. Mail integration
- Allow customers to unsubscribe from the newsletter.
- Allow customers to view the newsletter in browser.
- Add multiple SMTP configurations other than the default prestashop configuration.
- Add SMTP as Gmail, Mailjet, Mandrill, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.
- The possibility set the send email address when newsletters are send with the php mail() function.
5. Manage emails lists. Selection & Filters
- There are three lists with emails available: “Customers”, “Visitors”, “Added” ( a personal list with emails ).
- All the lists have the options to Delete, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Select a recipient ( email address ).
- All the lists have available a smart search. Search the recipients by First Name, Last Name, or email address.
- The lists can filter the recipients by: language, group, store, customer birthday.
- Filter recipients by a specific product bought.
- Filter recipients by the customer category of interest.
- Select the recipients by a specific range ( ex: from the customer number 150 to the customer 500 ).
- Select all customers email addresses from database, not only those who signed up for the newsletter.
- The choice of unique recipients from the email lists.
- Import email addresses from a CSV file into a personal list with email addresses. The email addresses that are stored in the personal list can be associated with the personFirst Name, Last Name, shop, language.
- Export all email addresses from the lists to a CSV file.
6. MailChimp integration
- Synchronize customer, visitors, and a personal list with MailChimp.
- Import templates from a MailChimp account
- Export the template with products included, into a MailChimp account.
- The fields imported into MailChimp are (First Name, Last Name, Shop, Group, Language, Last Order, etc.)
- Use CRON job to make the MailChimp synchronize to run automatically every day.
7. Manage images
- Scale the product images size in real time by using a simple slider.
- Delete or Upload new images and use them to build a nice template.
- Resize or not the width of the image when uploading a new one.
- Use your own image size for the products, or select the predefined size of the Prestashop system ( ex: "home_default" (124x124px), "large_default" (264x264px), "small_default" (45X45px) etc. ).
8. Task automation
- Create tasks schedule with different SMTP configurations and different templates.
- Use CRON job to make tasks to run automatically every day.
- Test the task SMTP connection before send it.
- Create tasks by filtering the recipients.
- Change task settings after definition. ( change template, change date, change SMTP connection, enable or disable ).
- Send, Pause or Delete the scheduled tasks.
- Send multiple tasks in the same time.
- Show tasks status ( today , tomorrow, in progress - total emails , sent successfully sent errors, view error messages ).
9. Send Newsletters
- Set a time interval between successive sent emails.
- Pause option when sending newsletters.
- Send a test newsletter to your email address.
- The possibility to clear the newsletter history records.
- Send the last newsletter to the new customers when they create a new account on the store.
- Sending newsletters using SMTP via AJAX.
- No time limit for php scripting (php_execution_time) because of AJAX.
10. Statistics
- See the newsletter statistics in real time.
- See top 100 clicked products from a newsletter.
- See how many clicks receive a newsletter.
- Use the campaign statistics with Google Analytics. This option allow you to view in your Google Analytics account, how many visits you get from the sent newsletters at a professional level.
11. History
- View the history of the newsletters sent.
- View the history of the tasks sent.
- View history sent errors.
- View the newsletter template in the history section.
- View the newsletter sent details ( ex: all sent email address ).
- Delete one newsletter record from the history.
- Clear all the records from the history.
12. Settings
- [Yes, No] Display only subscribed emails.
- [Yes, No] Send multiple tasks in the same time.
- [Yes, No] Display only active products that are available for the customer.
- [Yes, No] Customer subscribe by category.
- [Yes, No] Send the last newsletter when a client create a new account.
- [Yes, No] Use pretty url.
Цена: 69.99 евро
Цена в руб дана ориентировочно
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