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Создайте профессиональный Landing и прочный фундамент знаний по Bootstrap 4 с HTML и CSS с этим совершенно новым курсом.
Автор: Andy Clarke
Курс полностью на английском (без перевода)
Этот курс поможет вам создать идеальный отзывчивый одностраничник для своего личного портфолио, или для вашего бизнеса. Вы в идеале можете иметь некоторые знания HTML и CSS, однако это не так важно. Я вам помогу пройти всё по шагам.
- Полностью адаптивный Landing Page
- Новые компоненты Bootstrap
- Полное понимание сеток и медазапросов
- Применение нестандартных шрифтов
- CSS перекрытия
- Использование Font-Awesome иконок
- Применение анимаций CSS & WOW js
К концу этого курса вы будете уметь создавать современную и профессиональную целевую страницу с помощью HTML и CSS и получите четкое понимание работы фреймворка Bootstrap.
47 лекций, ~3.5 часа
Язык - английский
This course will help you create a perfect bootstrap responsive landing page for your own personal portfolio, or for your business. You will ideally have a little knowledge of HTML & CSS, however it isn't essential as I will walk you through every step of code to ensure you have the right understanding of the bootstrap framework, and the tools to further your learning after you have completed the course.
You will not only create a modern professional looking bootstrap 4 landing page, you will also take your skills further by adding animation and custom fonts to make sure your landing page stands our from the crowd. We start by understanding the basics of bootstrap, how it works and how it is implemented. We cover the famous bootstrap grid system and media queries to ensure your new page looks, and displays, correctly on all devices.
You will take the learn-by-doing approach which will help you understand all aspects of bootstrap and give you the tools to re-design our template or build an entirely new landing page specifically how you want it. You will be able to download project files throughout the course, which will be yours to keep and work on at your leisure.
By the end of this course you will have hand coded a modern & professional landing page using HTML & CSS and built a solid understanding of the bootstrap framework to help you develop your own pages in the future.
Каковы требования?
Что я вынесу из этого курса?
- HTML Editor (e.g. Brackets, Coda, Coffee Cup, Notepad++)
- Mac or PC
- Understanding of HTML & CSS is ideal, however not essential
Какова целевая аудитория?
- Learn how to develop awesome responsive landing pages
- Code pages from scratch using HTML & CSS
- Use advanced CSS features
- Have a solid understanding of the bootstrap framework and its components
- Individuals who want to develop future-proof sites/pages
- Individuals who want to develop awesome responsive pages
- Anyone wanting to brush up on their coding skills
- Bootstrap newbies
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