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Предлагаю собраться на скрипт копирования/клонирования/архивирования сайтов
What will SiteCloner copy?
What will SiteCloner NOT copy?
- All content which sits on the same level as the original site, or below it (content needs to be part of the actual site)
- Generated HTML
- All linked CSS files
- All linked Javascript files
- All linked images (both from HTML and CSS)
- All linked font files
SiteCloner Features
- Back-end CMS
- Back-end code like PHP files
- Content which is not linked from anywhere
- Dynamically created content (anything loaded dynamically after the page has loaded won’t be cloned)
- Content that sites outside the original site
- Content behind any sort of login
- Encrypted and HTTPS content
SiteCloner Requirements
- Clone or copy any live website, be it HTML or CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) based
- Browse clones online
- Download a copy of the clone to your computer as a ZIP archive
- Send clone as email attachment
- Upload clone to remote server via FTP
- Configure exclude keywords to prevent certain parts of a site being cloned (handy when you want to clone only certain parts from a large site)
- Built in “time out” protection to prevent the cloning process to run for hours and use up a lot of resources
- Timed out or paused clones can be continued at any time
- Well written recursive code which is light and easy on the server’s resources; runs on regular shared hosting accounts
- Tell the script what to do when a clone is ready, like sending it by email or uploading it via FTP (so you don’t have to sit around waiting for a clone to finish)
- Web server with PHP 5.2.4+ (5.4 high recommended)
- PHP MySQLi extension
- PHP zlib extension (used for creating ZIP archives)
- MySQL 5.1+
- The script has not been tested on Windows environments, however this will most likely work
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