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Основы рисования и живописи портрета -
Об авторе
Талантливый 2D художник из Монголии
видео процесс с объяснениями(общая длительность 3 часов) + заметки к ним, а также исходники(.psd) и кисти
Программа: Photoshop
Hi everyone. In this tutorial I will share what I know about portrait drawing and step by step processes.
This video includes all basics I know and Value painting demo. I am planning to make another tutorial about painting female portrait in color in the future as series.
Videos are combination of real time and speed up with notes and text commentary.
Psd files
JPEG images
And 5 videos including:
Part 1: Head proportion - Explaining male and female proportions of the head (25 minutes)
Part 2: Construction - Basic to more advanced construction and planes of the head (35 minutes)
Part 3A and 3B: Step by step line drawing of head from different angles (30+30 = 1 hour)
Part 4: Value demo: Black and white portrait drawing process from beginning to end (1 hour 11 minutes)
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