Скоро [Leigh Halliday] Next Level Next.js - Fullstack React

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0
Next Level Next.js
Снимок экрана 2021-03-02 в 10.57.51.png

Технологии на курсе:
Typescript(типизированный JS), Next.js(React), Hooks, Tailwind, Prisma, Postgres, TypeGraphQL, Apollo Client, Apollo Server, Firebase Auth, Mapbox, Google Places, Cloudinary, Vercel.


Учебники великолепны, но больше всего вы узнаете, создав полноценное приложение, как фронтенд, так и бэкенд. Этот курс даст вам навыки, необходимые для работы со стеком и создания собственных приложений от начала до конца.

Что вы получите в итоге:
1 приложение - 8 часов видео - 29 видео

Who is this course for?
Any developer that has a little bit of experience with React. It isn't an absolute beginner, never seen code before course, but it doesn't assume you're some sort of absolute expert developer.
How long will I have access to it?
Forever! Even if I move off of Podia for hosting at some point, I'll figure out a way to get you access to the content.
What will I learn?
You're going to learn how to build a complete application. We don't skip anything. We start with a blank canvas (other than some packages installed so we're all on the same version), and build absolutely every page. You'll learn how to set up a database, a GraphQL API, authentication, how to deploy it, etc... After this course you can build your own app! You can bring your own ideas to life. Or you can apply to that dream job you've been eyeing.
Does it come with support?
Yes! We have a set up for this course where I'll be along with others taking the course if you get stuck.
What technologies do we use?
Next.js, React, TypeScript, Hooks, Tailwind, Prisma, Postgres, TypeGraphQL, Apollo Client, Apollo Server, Firebase Auth, Mapbox, Google Places, Cloudinary, Vercel.
Purchasing Power Parity?
Head on over to get access to a coupon code which will make this course more affordable.
But I don't know , will I be able to follow along?
Yes! As long as you've used React before, it should be fine. I try to not assume knowledge about TypeScript, we'll explain it as we go. Stuck? Ask away in the Discord channel that's linked to in the course.

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