Скоро Курс игры на укулеле на английском [Brett McQueen]

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0



Пошаговый курс обучения игре на укулеле для новичков.
Автор: Brett McQueen
Курс на английском языке.

Part I: Essentials (Основы)
  • Get set up and ready to go by learning how to string, tune, and hold the ukulele with perfect playing posture
  • Explore three strumming techniques and figure out which to use to achieve a clear, crisp strumming tone
  • Discover how to play your very first chord
  • Learn the most important strumming pattern of all time that works for every song and never fails
  • Unlock how strumming patterns are counted to keep a steady, consistent rhythm
  • Take the first chord and strumming pattern you learn to play a simple one-chord song
Part II: Strumming Foundations (Основы игры)
  • Uncover the three must-know ukulele chords and use those to play four different songs from classic folk to Hawaiian
  • Figure out what to do about buzzing chords and a diving ukulele
  • Learn the fundamentals of rhythm so you can create your very own strumming pattern rhythms
  • See how how to prevent strumming fingers from getting stuck and how to make your fingers glide across the strings
  • Discover the process for finding the right strumming pattern for a song when a lyric chord chart is all you have
  • Practice strumming in different counts like four and three
  • Learn how to strum and sing at the same time without losing the rhythm
  • Look at what to do when you keep reverting back to the same old strumming pattern
  • Explore the best way to memorize new ukulele chords and master switching chords without pausing or hesitating using the Hover Technique
  • Learn how to play the famous calypso strum and how to make other syncopated patterns
Part III: Picking Up the Strumming Speed (Увеличиваем скорость игры)
  • Learn how to strum faster without getting sloppier while learning lively, uptempo songs
  • Uncover the secret to playing fast (hint: it’s not about trying harder)
  • See how to create a rhythmic pulse with accents
  • Discover how one small change to your strumming movement can help you go faster
  • Leverage alternate chord positions to make faster chord changes
  • Learn how to make frequent chord changes with a fast strumming rhythm
  • Make your rhythm feel waltz-y with the Thumb and Strum
  • Explore how to accent other beats to change the feeling of the rhythm
  • See how to perform the Touch and Strum method to make your rhythm more lively and energetic
  • Increase the speed of the Thumb and Strum to play a lightning fast rhythm
Part IV: Percussive Muting Techniques (Техники глушения и перкуссии)
  • Make your strumming sound percussive with the “chnk” strum technique
  • See how to implement the “chnk” strum into various strumming patterns
  • Look at proper finger and hand placement for crisp and clear muted strums
  • Learn the fretting hand muting technique
  • Figure out how to know when to use the “chnk” strum technique or the fretting hand muting technique
  • Discover how to make reggae strumming pattern rhythms
  • Learn the “skank” strum to give your reggae energy and feeling
  • Use your knowledge of muted strumming techniques to play songs
Part V: Expressive Strumming (Экспрессия в игре)
  • Unlock the mystery of what makes a song performance sound emotive and expressive
  • Learn three dynamics exercises to help find your strumming “center”
  • Discover how to use dynamics and vary the strumming pattern throughout a song for an expressive performance
  • Add feeling and groove to your strumming with shuffle and swing rhythms
  • Use your knowledge of shuffle rhythms to play the 12-bar blues
  • Figure out how to use accents in a song to create feeling and energy
  • Uncover fast sixteenth note rhythms and how you can use them as fills to add energy to your strumming rhythm
  • Discover how to apply sixteenth note rhythms to actual songs to make the performance energetic
  • Learn how to perform the four-finger rolling strum with speed and fluidity
  • Figure out where to add in strumming fills to songs
Bonus Lessons (Бонусные уроки)
  • Learn how to confidently play barre chords
  • See how to make sure barre chords always ring out
  • Take on the challenges that come with practicing like how to practice and how to achieve your goals
  • Discover how to start developing your musical ear with active listening
  • Learn practical ways to take on a difficult song and make it more attainable to play by playing in ukulele-friendly keys
  • Figure out how to transpose a song
  • Learn how to use a ukulele capo
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Стоимость в долларах: 97$ ~ 6800р.
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