Скоро ITPM - Super Conference 2019-2016 / Антон Креил - Супер конференции Лондон, Нью-Йорк 2019-2016

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20 Сен 2020
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Антон Креил ITPM Супер конференции из Лондона 2019-2016 и Нью-Йорка 2018, 2016
Выступление всех менторов института ITPM:

Anton Kreil /Антон Крил
Jason McDonald / Джейсон Макдональд
Chris Quill / Крис Килл
Ross Williams / Росс Уильямс
Raj Malhotra/ Радж Малхотра
Dr.Christopher Cathey / д-р Кристофер Кетей
David Perlin / Давид Перлин
Anthony Iser / Энтони Айзер
Hichem Djouhri / Хичем Джоури
Tristan Edwards / Тристан Эдвардс
Ben Berggreen / Бен Берггрин
Rushin Shah / Рушин Шах
Gregoire Dupont / Грегуар Дюпон

ITPM – London Super Conference 2019

  1. Anton Kreil: Home Run Knock Out Trades for 2019-2020
  2. Anton Kreil: European Failure and How to Profit From It
  3. Jason McDonald: Why our Mentees Keep Smashing It
  4. Chris Quill: Chinese Year of the Slaughtered Pig
  5. Ross Williams: The Real After Tax (RAT) Trap
  6. Raj Malhotra: Trading the Big Swinging VIX
  7. Chris Cathey: Trading Spoos Vs Eurostoxx
  8. David Perlin : Take this Trade to the Bank
  9. Chris Gardner Interview[​IMG]:

ITPM – London Super Conference 2018
  1. Anton Kreil: Delivering Alpha with Options
  2. Jason Mcdonald: Consensus Trades and How to Spot Them
  3. Anthony Iser: 2X Reliable Set-Ups for Long & Short Ideas
  4. Raj Malhotra: Options for the 2018-2019
  5. Christopher Quill: Options for the 2018-2019 Correction Spreadsheet Class
  6. Hichem Djouhri: How to Trade Oil Stocks (KPI’s & Resources)
  7. Ross Williams: How Government & Corporate Bond Markets Affect Equities
  8. Christopher Quill: Yield Curve Spreadsheet Class
  9. Christopher Cathey: How to Analyse & Trade Stock Splits
  10. Christopher Quill: Stock Splits Spreadsheet Class
ITPM – NY Super Conference 2018
  1. Ross Williams: Why People Suck at Trading and at Life
  2. Raj Malhotra: How to Blow Up Your Options Trading Account
  3. New York Super Conference Q&A
  4. Chris Cathey: High Risk Momentum Trading for Massive ROI
  5. Jason McDonald: How to Trade Mergers and Acquisition
  6. Chris Quill: M&A Spreadsheet Model / Analysis

ITPM – London Super Conference 2017
  1. Anton Kreil – Dividends, Distributions and Trading for Income
  2. Tristan Edwards – Technical Analysis – What, Why, When
  3. Chris Cathey - How to Optimally Trade a Rights Issue (with Excel TERP Calculation)
  4. Jason McDonald – Ratcheting Portfolio Risk with Small and Mid-Caps
  5. Christopher Quill – Calculating Expected Portfolio Volatility
  6. Raj Malhotra – Calculating Options Greeks That Matter – Delta, Gamma, Theta
  7. Christopher Quill – Calculating Options Greeks in Excel
  8. Ben Berggreen – US Futures Primer
  9. Rushin Shah – The Quick & Dirty on Hedge Fund
ITPM - London Super conference 2016
  1. Anton Kreil: “What Sets Apart the Best and the Worst Retail Traders?”
  2. Jason McDonald: “Best and Worst Career Trades and What You Can Learn From Them”
  3. Tristan Edwards: “How To Set Up A Hedge Fund”
  4. Chris Cathey: “How To Ace Investment Bank and Hedge Fund Interviews”
  5. Raj Malhotra – “Marginal Benefits of Directional Options Trading”
  6. Gregoire Dupont – “The Most Crucial Parts of a Trading Plan”
ITPM – NY Super Conference 2016

  1. Raj Malhotra: Pricing Options Like a Market Maker
  2. Christopher Quill: How To Calculate Realized & Implied Volatility and Why it’s Important
  3. Gregoire Dupont: Day Trading in Equities and FOREX – Viability Assessment
  4. Dr.Christopher Cathey: How to Trade Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s)
  5. Hichem Djouhri: Optimal Overwriting Strategies for Hedging 401K & IRA Portfolios
  6. Jason McDonald: Why Shorts are Hard to Find and How You Can Find Great Shorts
  7. Tristan Edwards: Matching Personality to Process
Видео в оригинале на английском языке

46 видео + 1 Бонус

Бонус: Anton Kreil – WEBINAR: How to Build a Long / Short Portfolio from Scratch
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