Скоро Introduction to Houdini for FX Artists [Rebelway] [Saber Jlassi, Igor Zanic, Urban Bradesko]

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0

2) School Name: Rebelway
3) Content Created by: , &
This course is designed for people who have a good understanding of CG and interested in gaining a full understanding of Houdini and how to properly utilize it’s capacity to create particles FX, water simulation, destruction and volume simulation.The course will also cover in depth how to render the various FX elements and how to composite them using Houdini COPs
We will be creating a variety of FX and with each topic we will cover a specific part of Houdini and learn how to work with a handful of nodes
We will have an interior scene to start with where we will design various particle while learning how create complex visuals and understand how particle simulation works
We will then continue and start choreographing the destruction of this environment and learn how to fracture geometry and use Bullets
Once we destroy our environment we will create a huge flooding to understand and learn how water simulation works in Houdini
Then we will learn how to use volume and smoke simulation to create various smoke based FX to enhance what we’ve created in week 2
We will learn how to shade and render a variety of FX, including particles, volumes and water using mantra
After all the fx creation and rendering we will learn how to composite all these passes using Houdini COPs.
By the end of the 8th week the student should acquired a very deep understanding of how Houdini works and be able to create and render Particles FX, water simulation, destruction.

  • Tools: Houdini 16.5
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Difficulty : Beginner to Intermediate
  • Format: Recorded videos delivered weekly alongside assignment and video feedback.
  • Q&A: 30 min+ video recorded every week to answer questions and provide guidance.
  • Prerequisite:
  • Very good 3D generalist background.
  • Familiar with what FX is.
  • Note: There is very little scripting or programming in this course.
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