Программирование Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions - Pluralsight (2019)

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14 Фев 2023
Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions
Pluralsight - Jason Roberts

Изображение Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions - Pluralsight (2019)

When tests fail it can be hard to understand exactly what caused the failures. If test failure messages are ambiguous or not detailed enough you sometimes have to fire up the debugger and run the test in debug mode just to find out what the failure was. In this course, Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions, you will learn foundational knowledge of Fluent Assertions. First, you will discover how to improve the readability of your test code. Next, you will explore the different ways to assert on different result types such as strings, floating point numbers, collections, and exceptions. Finally, you will gain an understanding of how to improve test failure messages to reduce the need to waste time debugging through failing tests. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Fluent Assertions needed to improve readability and test failure messages for automated tests.

01. Course Overview:
01. Course Overview
02. Improving Unit Tests with Fluent Assertions:
01. Introduction
02. Using Fluent Assertions with Strings
03. Asserting against Numerical Values
04. Adding Additional Custom Message Text
05. Working with Date Values
06. Asserting on the Contents of Collections
07. Asserting That Exceptions Are Thrown
08. Executing All Assertions When a Test Fails
09. Asserting on Structural Integrity of Source Code
10. Summary and Further Learning

Материал на английском языке


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