Скоро CarbonGram - Новый бот для Instagram

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0
CarbonGram is the best Instagram bot available on the market today. Even if you need more followers, want to expand your business, or simply need a great marketing tool, the solution is front of you.
Automated processes eg. account follower(everything is configurable), Android emulation, decaptcha support,proxy support- just to mention some of the features. All of these for an introductory price.

Что умеет?
Auto Liker
Starts liking photos by hashtags or username
Auto Commenter
Starts commenting on photos by hashtags
Auto Follower
Starts following users by hashtags or username
Auto Unfollower
Starts to unfollow users who you are followig
Account Checker
Checks the health of the account
Profile Updater
updates your pofile (name,phone,email,url,bio,gender,profile picture)
Image Uploader
That's right! You can upload photos to Instagram with Carbongram.
Andriod Emulation
Maybe the best part for geeks: CarbonGram fully behaves as you would use Instagram from your Andriod phone
Proxy Support
You can use your proxies for each added account.
And there's much more!
Click here to see all of the features.

Последнее редактирование модератором:
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