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Actions Made Easy Volume 1 Super PACK! для
Photoshop скидка 90% - This set includes actions for basic retouching: exposure, contrast, white balance, skin smoothing, etc. Includes: 17 actions.- Our black and white set comes with a variety of actions to give you the perfect tone that you have been searching for. It also includes actions with haze to give your images a more vintage feel too. Includes: 14 actions.
- - Do you want to give your photos that soft, dreamy look? Look no further, this action set will allow you to achieve just that! With one click, matte your photos to give them more emotion. Includes: 21 actions.
- - Are your photos always turning out bland? Want to pop those weak colors? This is the set for you! These actions will make colors explode and bump the contrast to really give your images that "WOW" factor. Includes: 10 actions.
- - This set includes actions to add contrast and color to photos that are already silhouettes and silhouette actions to make a non-silhouette photo into a silhouette. Includes: 14 actions.
- along with a BONUS pack of 5 essential actions for resizing, flattening images, etc.
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