Скоро 12 Disney Principles in Practice (Motion Design School) (2020)

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0

Understand the principles that set the rules of animation the way we know it today, and learn how to apply those principles to your work in any contemporary motion graphics language.

The 12 basic principles of animation serve as absolutely essential guidelines for creating convincing projects both in 2D and 3D. These principles were put forward by the 'old men' of Walt Disney Studios, Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. These principles originated during the 1930s and since then have become the foundation of making fantastic animated movies. eIn this course we will focus on the animation and will try to get to the very essence of each principle, through the performances of a very simple element: a cube. ou will learn how to apply to any motion graphics element the same personality that Disney animators were applying to their characters.

[MEDIA = youtube] AvRx1sOk2Uc [/ MEDIA]

The course language is in English and starts onwards April 9, 2020.

Understand the principles that set the rules of animation, as we know them today, and learn how to apply these principles to your work in any modern animation language.

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