Голосов: 0
Этот курс разработан логичным образом от простых до сложных модулей шаг за шагом.
- Регулярные выражения
- Полная контактная форма + Email
- Динамические страницы
- CMS Based Employee Management CRUD
- CMS + Админ панель + бустрап
Have you ever wonder why their are so many PHP Mysql Courses but they offer very little practical skills. Even though if you search on Udemy the longest course will only offer 1 big projects. Sometimes its difficult for beginners to understand the long project right after learning basics due to lack of practice.Furthermore, big courses just give presentation to projects they never ever let students see their actual content. For example the basic videos, Free starter content etc. However this course is Scam-Free course. Students can watch more than 2 hour of initial content free of cost to decide weather to buy this course or not.
This course is designed in more logical way from easy to complex modules step by step. Here is description of the course
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Последнее редактирование модератором:
- Статус
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