Скоро [Udemy] Понять Typescript (eng)

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20 Сен 2020
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Understanding TypeScript

Published 9/2016 English
Course Description
Most People know TypeScript from Angular 2. It's the Language you have to use there, right?

It's more than that!

Learn what TypeScript is, why it really is a powerful Addition to JavaScript, what its Features are and how to use it! And whilst doing so, also understand what you're actually doing in your Angular 2 Code.

This Course takes you from the very Basics and its most important Feature (Types!) to the Point where you're able to use TypeScript in any of your Projects. ReactJS Projects included!

As TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and strongly advertised used by Angular 2 (Google), it's here to stay.

Gain an Edge today and be amongst the First to really understand TypeScript!

A Journey into the Future

As TypeScript code can be compiled to ES5, you'll be amazed by the many next-gen Features you can start using Today. Be it ES6 Features like Destructuring or Arrow Functions, Decorators, Generics and Interfaces or Modules - TypeScript has them all!

In this Course, we'll not stop after the Basics. You will learn about more advanced Features and also how to set up Workflows with TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript-only Workflow as well as Workflows using Gulp or Webpack.

You'll also learn that you're not limited to Angular 2 or plain JavaScript/ TypeScript Projects. A complete Module covers how to use TypeScript with ReactJS to benefit from its Features, there, too.

Practice what you Learn

Watching Videos is a great Way to Learn. And to a lot of Students, it's the best Way. If you also want to practice the Things you learn, this Course offers you Exercises (and Solutions) in many of the Course Modules.

So much Content!

I'm not a Fan of these Courses which teach you the Basics and then leave you alone. In this Course you'll get insights into:

    • Types and how to use them
    • How the TypeScript Compiler works
    • ES6 Features in TypeScript
    • Classes in TypeScript
    • Namespaces and Modules
    • Interfaces
    • Generics
    • Decorators
    • How to integrate Third-Party JavaScript Libraries into your TypeScript Project
    • How to integrate TypeScript into your Gulp or Webpack Workflow
    • Or how to set up a plain-TypeScript Workflow
    • How to use TypeScript together with ReactJS
What are the requirements?

    • JavaScript Knowledge is required, though you don't need to be an Expert
    • OOP Experience is a Plus but not required
    • ES6 Knowledge is a Plus but not required
What am I going to get from this course?

    • Use TypeScript and its Features like Types, ES6 Support, Classes, Modules, Interfaces and much more in any of their Projects
    • Understand what TypeScript really is about and how it works
    • Why TypeScript offers a real advantage over vanilla JavaScript
What is the target audience?

    • This Course is for every Student who wants to extend his Horizon beyond vanilla JavaScript
    • Everyone learning Angular 2 should definitely understand how TypeScript works

Блок 1: Getting Started
Лекция 1 - Course Introduction [02:10]
Лекция 2 - What is TypeScript? [03:23]
Лекция 3 - Why TypeScript and How to use it? [03:48]
Лекция 4 - Installing TypeScript [02:15]
Лекция 5 - Using TypeScript [02:47]
Лекция 6 - Setting up the Course Workspace [06:17]
Лекция 7 - Asking Questions & Course Materials [Article]
Блок 2: Using Types for a better Code
Лекция 8 - Introduction [00:46]
Лекция 9 - Type Basics [02:23]
Лекция 10 - Numbers & Booleans [01:42]
Лекция 11 - Assigning Types Explicitly [02:12]
Лекция 12 - Arrays and Types [03:07]
Лекция 13 - Tuples [01:58]
Лекция 14 - Enums [03:53]
Лекция 15 - The "Any" Type [01:44]
Лекция 16 - Understanding the created JavaScript Code [01:40]
Лекция 17 - Using Types in Functions (Arguments & Return Values) [04:38]
Лекция 18 - Functions as Types [04:03]
Лекция 19 - Objects and Types [04:54]
Лекция 20 - Example: Putting it all together in a Complex Object [01:30]
Лекция 21 - Creating custom Types with Type Aliases [02:32]
Лекция 22 - Allowing multiple Types with Union Types [02:09]
Лекция 23 - Checking for Types during Runtime [02:05]
Лекция 24 - The "never" Type (added with TypeScript 2.0) [01:55]
Лекция 25 - Nullable Types (added with TypeScript 2.0) [06:24]
Лекция 26 - Module Exercise: Problem [00:47]
Лекция 27 - Module Exercise: Problem Code [Article]
Лекция 28 - Module Exercise: Solution [04:03]
Лекция 29 - Module Summary [00:50]
Блок 3: Understanding the TypeScript Compiler
Лекция 30 - Introduction [00:34]
Лекция 31 - How Code gets Compiled [01:56]
Лекция 32 - Changing the Compiler Behavior on Errors [02:13]
Лекция 33 - Debugging your TypeScript Code using Source Maps [02:12]
Лекция 34 - Avoiding implicit "Any" [01:42]
Лекция 35 - More Compiler Options [01:00]
Лекция 36 - Compiler Improvements with TypeScript 2.0 [03:09]
Лекция 37 - Resource: Compiler Documentation [Article]
Лекция 38 - Module Summary [00:33]
Блок 4: TypeScript and ES6
Лекция 39 - Introduction [01:48]
Лекция 40 - ES6 & TypeScript Compatibility [Article]
Лекция 41 - "Let" and "Const" [04:12]
Лекция 42 - Block Scope [02:43]
Лекция 43 - Arrow Functions [03:40]
Лекция 44 - Arrow Functions - Variations [01:49]
Лекция 45 - Functions and Default Parameters [04:11]
Лекция 46 - The Spread Operator [03:40]
Лекция 47 - The Rest Operator [05:16]
Лекция 48 - Destructuring Arrays [03:40]
Лекция 49 - Destructuring Objects [03:09]
Лекция 50 - Template Literals [04:07]
Лекция 51 - Other ES6 Features [01:09]
Лекция 52 - Module Exercise: Problem [Article]
Лекция 53 - Module Exercise: Solution [13:19]
Лекция 54 - Module Summary [00:52]
Блок 5: Using Classes to create Objects
Лекция 55 - Introduction [00:31]
Лекция 56 - Creating Classes and Class Properties [08:19]
Лекция 57 - Class Methods and Access Modifiers [04:44]
Лекция 58 - Inheritance [03:00]
Лекция 59 - Inheritance and Constructors [01:57]
Лекция 60 - Inheritance Wrap Up [02:04]
Лекция 61 - Getters & Setters [05:47]
Лекция 62 - Static Properties and Methods [03:39]
Лекция 63 - Abstract Classes [05:56]
Лекция 64 - Private Constructors & Singletons (added with TypeScript 2.0) [02:55]
Лекция 65 - "readonly" Properties (added with TypeScript 2.0) [02:14]
Лекция 66 - Module Exercise: Problem [Article]
Лекция 67 - Module Exercise: Solution [13:27]
Лекция 68 - Module Summary [00:50]
Блок 6: Namespaces and Modules
Лекция 69 - Introduction [00:52]
Лекция 70 - An Introduction to Namespaces [06:38]
Лекция 71 - Namespaces and Multiple Files [05:04]
Лекция 72 - Namespace Imports [02:40]
Лекция 73 - More on Namespaces [02:25]
Лекция 74 - Limitations of Namespaces [01:44]
Лекция 75 - Modules [04:02]
Лекция 76 - Loading Modules [09:00]
Лекция 77 - Importing & Exporting Modules [02:36]
Лекция 78 - Module Resolution [02:26]
Лекция 79 - Namespaces vs Modules - Wrap Up [02:10]
Лекция 80 - Module Summary [00:39]
Блок 7: Doing Contract Work with Interfaces
Лекция 81 - Introduction [00:50]
Лекция 82 - The Basics about Interfaces [05:54]
Лекция 83 - Interfaces and Properties [05:07]
Лекция 84 - Interfaces and Methods [02:20]
Лекция 85 - Using Interfaces with Classes [03:45]
Лекция 86 - Interfaces and Function Types [03:19]
Лекция 87 - Interface Inheritance [02:20]
Лекция 88 - What happens once Interfaces get Compiled [01:41]
Лекция 89 - Module Summary [00:27]
Блок 8: Generics
Лекция 90 - Introduction [00:51]
Лекция 91 - Why and What? [04:19]
Лекция 92 - Creating a Generic Function [03:23]
Лекция 93 - A built-in Generic Type: Arrays [01:51]
Лекция 94 - Generic Types and Arrays [01:31]
Лекция 95 - Using Generic Types [02:32]
Лекция 96 - Creating a Generic Class [04:07]
Лекция 97 - Constraints [03:02]
Лекция 98 - Using more than one Generic type [02:44]
Лекция 99 - Module Exercise: Problem [Article]
Лекция 100 - Module Exercise: Solution [06:14]
Лекция 101 - Module Summary [01:03]
Блок 9: Behind the Scenes with Decorators
Лекция 102 - Introduction [01:10]
Лекция 103 - Creating a Class Decorator [04:52]
Лекция 104 - Decorator Factories [03:25]
Лекция 105 - Creating a useful Decorator [03:03]
Лекция 106 - Using Multiple Decorators [01:05]
Лекция 107 - A first Summary [02:13]
Лекция 108 - Method Decorators [05:13]
Лекция 109 - Property Decorators [04:35]
Лекция 110 - Parameter Decorators [04:23]
Лекция 111 - Module Summary [01:20]
Блок 10: Using JavaScript Libraries (like jQuery) with TypeScript
Лекция 112 - Introduction [01:25]
Лекция 113 - Installing a Third-Party Library [01:14]
Лекция 114 - Importing the Library [04:44]
Лекция 115 - Translating JavaScript to TypeScript with TypeScript Definition Files [02:09]
Лекция 116 - Option 1: Manually download TypeScript Definition Files [02:20]
Лекция 117 - Option 2: Managing TypeScript Defintion Files with the "typings" Package [03:30]
Лекция 118 - Easier Type Management with TypeScript 2.0 [03:10]
Лекция 119 - Module Summary [00:42]
Блок 11: TypeScript Workflows
Лекция 120 - Introduction [00:58]
Лекция 121 - Using "tsc" and the tsconfig File [02:57]
Лекция 122 - How TypeScript resolves Files using the tsconfig.json File [05:55]
Лекция 123 - More on "tsc" and the tsconfig File [02:59]
Лекция 124 - Adding TypeScript into a Gulp Workflow [08:05]
Лекция 125 - Adding TypeScript into a Webpack Workflow [10:46]
Лекция 126 - Module Summary [00:47]
Блок 12: Example: Using TypeScript together with ReactJS
Лекция 127 - Introduction [01:21]
Лекция 128 - Setting up the Project & Adding React Packages [02:58]
Лекция 129 - Adding the ReactJS TypeScript Definition Files [02:04]
Лекция 130 - Installing Webpack [01:49]
Лекция 131 - Configuring Webpack [03:52]
Лекция 132 - Creating ReactJS Code - with TypeScript [06:18]
Лекция 133 - Configuring the TypeScript Compiler to work with ReactJS [02:59]
Лекция 134 - Using TypeScript 2.0 Type Management [02:33]
Лекция 135 - Module Summary [00:59]
Блок 13: After finishing this Course
Лекция 136 - Course Roundup [01:16]
Лекция 137 - Further Resources [Article]

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