Скоро [Udemy] Build a complete Fiverr clone with Node + Algolia + Paypal

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20 Сен 2020
Голосов: 0

Построим клон Fiverr с помощью Node + Algolia + Paypal.

Вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, как создать свое следующее веб-приложение на рынке?

Этот курс научит вас шаг за шагом о том, как клонировать веб-сайт Fiverr с новейшими технологиями, и это Node.js

Вы будете использовать Javascript как на бэкэнд, так и на интерфейсе веб-приложения.

Have you ever wondering on how to build your next marketplace Web application?

This course will teach you step by step on how to clone an Fiverr website with the latest cutting edge technology and that is Node.js

You will use Javascript on both the backend and frontend of the web application.

Live is too short to depend on someone else, if you are still waiting for that one amazing technical co-founder to help you on building your web app, then I suggest you instead of waiting , its better for you to do it yourself.

Every code that will be written by me, will be explained in details. So you do not need to worry about not understanding certain algorithm.

If you are ready to embark on this journey on building an marketplace web application, then what are you waiting for? Lets get into it!

0. Foundations
  • You will learn the fundamentals on how the web works
  • You will learn what sort of technology you will use to build a sophisticated web applications
  • You will learn what is HTTP
1. MVP website - Newsletter
  • You will learn on how to capture user's email and store it on Mailchimp
  • You will learn the fundamentals of building a web application with Node.js
  • You will learn on how to use an amazing template engine - Handlebars
2. Real-Time website - Twitter
  • You will learn on how to build an Authentication Features
  • You will on how to use a websocket, so that you could send tweets in real-time
  • You will learn on how to save data to the database
  • You will learn on how to retrieve data from the database
  • You will learn how to do an AJAX call, and update content instantly
3. Marketplace website - Fiverr
  • You will learn on how to do Social Authentication like Facebook and Google
  • You will learn on how to update your profile
  • You will learn on how to create a basic search feature using Algolia
  • You will learn on how to add a real-time search engine feature using Algolia (Used by companies like Product Hunt, Medium, Twitch, Periscope and Hacker News)
  • You will learn on how to add a payment feature using Stripe
  • You will learn how to create a one on one chat room feature between buyers and sellers
  • You will learn on how to create a cart feature, and using AJAX to update changes instantly (Like removing the cart's item, or updating the cart icon on the navbar)
  • You will learn on how to upload an image to Amazon S3 server both for profile picture and when you add a new GIG
  • You will learn on how to pay single GIG and multiple GIGS

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