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Вы задумывались об успешной карьере в иностранной компании?
Вот эти компании:
-Большая четвёрка (или просто Big 4) четыре крупнейшие в мире компании, предоставляющие аудиторские. Представлены во многих крупных городах России
-Большая тройка (или Big 3) крупнейшие консалтинговые компании
- Deloitte
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Ernst & Young
-Инвестиционные банки
- Boston Consulting Group
- McKinsey
- Bain
- Citigroup
- JP Morgan
- Morgan Stanley
- Goldman Sachs
-FMCG компании
Работа в такой организации для выпускника российского ВУЗа, будь то ТОП московский (ВШЭ, РЭШ, МФТИ, МГУ) или средний региональный, лучшая возможность реализовать свой потенциал как профессионала , получать хорошее вознаграждение за свою работу (часто в долларах и евро) и так называемые lucrative opportunities на выходе, что означает что такому специалисту, решившему оставить свою компанию, работодатели из индустрии предложат куда более серьезное вознаграждение и позицию (работа в ин. компании - отличный способ набить себе цену в короткий срок на рынке труда)
- Procter&Gamble
- Unilever
- Nestle
- Danone
- Mars
- Philip Morris и др.
Хотите реккомендаций? Зайдите на сайт ру и найдете множество от действующих российских аналитиков и assosiate из московских BB-IB (Bulge Bracket инвестиционных банков), к слову заработные платы у этих ребят от 100K долларов в год на позиции аналитика (то бишь клепальщика презентаций в PowerPoint) первого года.
Описание с сайта
Breaking Into Wall Street Premium gives you the “standout factor” you need to succeed in Investment Banking and finance interviews, and makes complex accounting, valuation, and financial modeling seem like second nature...
You get everything you need to reach the highest level of Excel, accounting, valuation, financial modeling, and case study discussion / presentation skills - these are what you need to get the top jobs and beat out other candidates... and the skills you'll need to advance up the ladder, move to lateral roles, or move to the buy-side
- Learn by watching video-based training to master the Accounting, Valuation, and Financial Modeling skills that are not taught at the undergraduate or graduate levels... but which you’d better know if you want to beat out the competition for the best jobs in IB or finance.
- Understand how financial modeling and valuation are done in the real world... not how academics think they should be done. Interviewers will LOVE it when you can recount the details of real deals and companies, such as Wal-Mart, Atlassian, EasyJet, Vivendi, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Chuck E. Cheese's, Microsoft's proposed $44B acquisition of Yahoo! and more.
- Dominate your interviews and beat out the other guy. You'll not only get up to speed with practical financial modeling… but you'll also get to test your knowledge with practice Excel exercises, quiz questions, and written case study prompts. More than 22,981+ customers from over 81+ countries have already used this knowledge to ace their banking interviews and outperform on the job. You can be next.
- Master Excel. Whether you're a novice or you’re experienced with Excel, you'll be a bona fide pro by the end of the course - which saves you hours of spreadsheet drudgery, meaning you'll get better reviews and a higher bonus.
- Completely Re-Imagined Fundamentals Modules to Ensure Your Competitive Edge in 2015 and Beyond. Completely rebuilt from the ground up with today's competitive job market in mind. Get 63 hours of brand new video tutorials, written notes for each lesson, transcripts, and 8+ in-depth, practical case studies from around the globe. Achieve the deep conceptual understanding that bankers are looking for, but rarely find - and discover how to use modeling in real life to outperform your peers on the job.
- Accounting, Valuation, and Merger and LBO Models. These are the fundamental skills you'll need as an Investment Banker, in Private Equity, and even at Hedge Funds. And you'll be ahead of the game by mastering them before you start working. To put it another way... in this market, NOT having these skills is practically like wearing a big red sign saying “DON’T PICK ME” to an interview.
- Plus Full Access to the Original Financial Modeling Fundamentals Course. In addition to a ton of new training and case studies that you won't find anywhere else at any price, you'll also get access to the entire original Financial Modeling Fundamentals course.
- Everything is Designed From the Ground Up for Fast Online Learning and Maximum Ease of Mastery and Retention. Unlike other "online courses," this is NOT rehashed classroom training or pre-recorded lectures – it's designed from the ground up to get you practicing in Excel as much as possible from day 1.
- Track Your Progress and Take Notes. Check off each lesson as you go, and take notes you can refer back to in the future so you can make your study time fast and productive. You can even print out all your notes at once when you find out about that interview 2 hours from now and need a sudden crash course.
Курс на английском, пройдя его заодно и подтяните себя в экономических терминах на английском, что тоже очень важно.
Цена $497
Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо зарегистрироваться!Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо зарегистрироваться!
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